Role: Technical Team Lead / Programmer
Taken from the Marking Criteria:
Role Description: Lead on the implementation of the design; this may include programming and/or developing/modifying simulations if pertinent to the project, or programming in the context of a game; provide documentation stating key stages of the implementation and technology used; provide critique of the process and results including the assessment of the achievements against the requirements as set out in the brief
Deliverables: Prototype (if appropriate), or functional simulation, or an animation demonstrating that the requirements of the project have been met; written document summarising the implementation process (typically, 2 pages, A4) to be added to the Report
Assessment based on: the quality of the implementation (prototype or simulation or animation), functionality; critique of the achievements in the written document
With regards to the Implementation marking.
Posting this here so that I can easily refer to it during my work.
With regards to the Implementation marking.
Excellent, creative take on the Design, in terms of implementation; excellent representation of the findings on the project adding an extra dimension to the interpretation of the brief; excellent command over the implementation tools; functional simulation/prototype (as appropriate).
Implementation Report:
Excellent presentation of the implementation; excellent summary of the creative process applied; excellent justification of the use of tools in the context of the project; succinct reference to how it answers the design; excellent structure, clear aims, excellent use of graphics, diagrams, screenshots etc to illustrate the implementation and an excellent critique of the achievements; excellent choice of references and a professional standard referencing.
Over-all Report:
Excellent, coherent report on the project as a whole, with aims and objectives clearly stated, followed by an articulate narrative connecting research findings with the design and the implementation artefacts; Conclusions section to include reflective comments on the overall process and a critique of the achievements; excellent use of the English language; excellent referencing throughout; publishable work.
Final Presentation:
Excellent extraction of points to present; excellent choice of diagrams, graphics to illustrate the points made; clear narrative; excellent timing; all group members take part in presenting; ready to be publicly presented to a professional audience; supported by excellent documentation, e.g. slides with appropriate proportion of text and graphics; if appropriate, a demonstration of a simulation/prototype as well.
Excellent record of activity throughout.